Black /vendors/vendorImages black.jpg
Nickel /vendors/vendorImages nickel.jpg
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Additional Info:
Light Direction-Multiple Directions
1 Year Limited - Fixtures
T20 Exempt - Fixtures Not Regulated
CEC Terse:
Lawful for sale in California
Dimmable Function:
Dimming requirements and compatible dimmers are dependent on the light bulb(s) used
Feature 2:
Length: 13.00 inches, Width: 13.00 inches, Height: 11.50 inches
Feature 3:
Black and Polished Nickel Finish
Feature 7:
Dry location rated for indoor use
Long Description:
This popular Mid-century modern design is highlighted by Aurora 60-6936 seeded glass orb nestled inside an open-worked black geometrical frame. The polished nickel socket helps to provide contrast. This 13 inches by 11.5 inches flush mount fixture can be u
Replaceable Light Source:
Romance Copy:
This popular Mid-century modern design is highlighted by Aurora's seeded glass orb nestled inside an open-worked black geometrical frame. The polished nickel socket helps to provide contrast. This 13 inches by 11.5 inches flush mount fixture can be use
Sloped Ceiling Compatible: